Just imagine: A ball of white wool rolling around the world. Towards each one of us. Gently wrapping everyone around the globe in its woolly white thread and joining us all together.
Ultimately connecting us intensely in one enormous web of highly sensitive threads. Then, because of it, we become more conscious of each other. Would that change anything? Would it make it the world better? More honest? More loving?
If we were to feel such a genuine connection and therefore think and treat all others with respect and in total honesty, then surely that could create a wave of wealth redistribution, a turnaround in environmental pollution, a flicker of hope against injustice, an end to greed, more empathy for the refugee, protection of the weakest, couldn’t it? Because it would surely make us live less egocentrically and with a heightened awareness. And to create such great consciousness the logical place to start is with yourself, agreed?
‘A Little Glow in the Dark’ is the first in a series of works, guiding us along a white thread to a greater consciousness, by making us feel connected in lots of different ways. An art project in which A Little Glow in the Dark is the first
‘art story’ : ‘The me-story.’
The white thread serves as a metaphor in many ways. First as a representation of ‘life’. Look at it this way : Each of us is given a ball of white wool at birth. The ball is our life. Life as a white ball of thread, which can only unravel and never ever – not even for a moment – roll back up. Some are given a big fat ball, others a smaller one. It’s not about honesty. But about whether we knit something beautiful with our ball, for ourselves and for those we meet along the way as it unravels and those with whom we become connected in a special way.
A Little Glow in the Dark is about the intense connection between people. The story of a ‘me’ figure who becomes conscious of all the ‘yous’ around him. As the feeling of connection with others increases ‘me’s’ life becomes more worthwhile. Also a story, in which two hundred children from the South African townships become the ‘coincidental’ but beautifully poignant actors. In which over sixty kilometres of white knitting yarn becomes the symbol of our connection with each other. A story written and told in a unique language. A language consisting of poetry, photography, pieces of art, letters filled with dreams, a short life story in which each of us can picture themselves, slips of paper with messages or playful snippets of wisdom which make us stop and think.
The story has been designed and bound in two high quality art books : ‘Life’ and ‘Memory’. Packed together in a handy box with the lovely message ‘You and me connected forever .’ This makes the box the ultimate unique gift for someone you really love or with whom you feel very connected.
These books are not only a unique gift for yourself or a special loved-one but also a step closer to realizing their dreams.
The books are only on sale on this website.